Anuja Patil

I am a Master of Science student in Computer Science at Clemson University where I am studying software engineering with a concentration on software design and development approaches. Through my coursework and projects, I have developed skills in areas like web development, cloud computing, and data science. I have a particular interest in leveraging advancements in cloud platforms and AI to build innovative web applications and engaging digital experiences.


Work Experience

Machine Learning Engineer | Clemson University, Clemson University, SC, USA | Jan’24 - Present
  • Implementing a SARIMAX time series model to accurately forecast the building's power consumption based on occupancy, weather data, and historical usage, to enable optimized HVAC scheduling and reduced energy costs.
  • Developed an XGBoost model to predict the occupancy of the building 30 minutes in advance, leveraging historical occupancy data, environmental factors, and building usage patterns

Graduate Researcher | Human-AI Empowerment, Clemson University, SC, USA | May’23 - Aug’23
  • Reduced text recognition error rate by 25\% leveraging TrOCR capabilities for timestamp analysis in post-processing pipeline and increased object tracking accuracy from 62\% to 70\% using state-of-the-art Segment Anything model for real-time video analysis.
  • Integrated SQLite database connections into the system, enabling comprehensive window activity logging and retrieval - crucial for monitoring active windows during video processing.

Software Engineer | Happiest Minds Technologies, Bengaluru, India | Aug’20 - Jun’22
  • Authored and executed over 20 comprehensive test plans and 200+ tests leveraging Java, Selenium, and TestNG, resulting in a 15\% reduction in critical software defects.
  • Collaborated with 3 engineering teams to design automated Selenium test frameworks with Java, increasing test coverage by 20\% for rapid validation of new features.
  • Pioneered a new test automation suite using Cucumber and Serenity for migration to an online environment, facilitating smooth transition and acceptance test-driven development.
  • Implemented REST API automation framework using RestAssured, achieving a 20% increase in test coverage and a 35% reduction in regression testing time.
  • Guided 2 junior engineers through code walkthroughs, design reviews, and knowledge sharing around test automation best practices.


  • Weather App | March'24 - April'24 | Code
  • To Do Mobile App | Dec'23 - Dec'23 | Code
  • Hangman Game | Sep’23 - Nov’23 | Website | Code
  • Real-Time Speech Translation App | Jan’23 - Apr’23 | Code
  • Emotion Detection through Audio-Visual Analysis Model | Jan’23 - Apr’23 | Project Report
  • Zombie Invasion Shooter | Aug’22 - Dec’22 | Code